Class | Properties | |
t.bgPrimary | backgroundColor: '#3f51b5' | |
t.bgPrimaryLight | backgroundColor: '#7986cb' | |
t.bgPrimaryDark | backgroundColor: '#303f9f' | |
t.bgPrimaryContrast | backgroundColor: '#fff' | |
t.bgSecondary | backgroundColor: '#f50057' | |
t.bgSecondaryLight | backgroundColor: '#ff4081' | |
t.bgSecondaryDark | backgroundColor: '#c51162' | |
t.bgSecondaryContrast | backgroundColor: '#fff' | |
t.bgInfo | backgroundColor: '#2196f3' | |
t.bgInfoLight | backgroundColor: '#64b5f6' | |
t.bgInfoDark | backgroundColor: '#1976d2' | |
t.bgInfoContrast | backgroundColor: '#fff' | |
t.bgSuccess | backgroundColor: '#4caf50' | |
t.bgSuccessLight | backgroundColor: '#81c784' | |
t.bgSuccessDark | backgroundColor: '#388e3c' | |
t.bgSuccessContrast | backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.87)' | |
t.bgError | backgroundColor: '#f44336' | |
t.bgErrorLight | backgroundColor: '#e57373' | |
t.bgErrorDark | backgroundColor: '#d32f2f' | |
t.bgErrorContrast | backgroundColor: '#fff' | |
t.bgWarning | backgroundColor: '#ff9800' | |
t.bgWarningLight | backgroundColor: '#ffb74d' | |
t.bgWarningDark | backgroundColor: '#f57c00' | |
t.bgWarningContrast | backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.87)' | |
t.bgPaper | backgroundColor: '#fafafa' | |
t.bgSelected | backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.08)' | |
t.bgDisabled | backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.26)' | |
t.bgFocused | backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.12)' | |
t.bgMuted | backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.12)' | |
t.bgWhite | backgroundColor: '#ffffff' | |
t.bgGray100 | backgroundColor: '#f7fafc' | |
t.bgGray200 | backgroundColor: '#edf2f7' | |
t.bgGray300 | backgroundColor: '#e2e8f0' | |
t.bgGray400 | backgroundColor: '#cbd5e0' | |
t.bgGray500 | backgroundColor: '#a0aec0' | |
t.bgGray600 | backgroundColor: '#718096' | |
t.bgGray700 | backgroundColor: '#4a5568' | |
t.bgGray800 | backgroundColor: '#2d3748' | |
t.bgGray900 | backgroundColor: '#1a202c' | |
t.bgBlack | backgroundColor: '#000000' | |
t.bgTransparent | backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' |
Set the background color of an element using the{Color}
utility classes.