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Migration Guide

Migrating from Tailwind CSS

Class Names

Tailwind CSS uses - (dash) to separate words in class names, while Whirlwind uses camelCasing:

Tailwind CSS Whirlwind
border-t-2 t.borderT2

This also affects directional attributes, which become capitalized:

Tailwind CSS Whirlwind
pt-4 t.pT4

A - (dash) at the beginning of a class (e.g. indicating a negative margin) becomes a _ (underscore):

Tailwind CSS Whirlwind
-mt-4 t._mT4

A . (period/decimal point) and / (forward/fraction slash) in numbers become _ (underscore) as well:

Tailwind CSS Whirlwind
m-0.5 t.m0_5
w-3/6 t.w3_6

Special Note on react-native-tailwindcss

Migration from react-native-tailwindcss to react-native-whirlwind is very straightforward as most of the class names are compatible between both frameworks.


Whirlwind does not define the same colors as Tailwind CSS. Instead of offering various hues of red, blue, green, etc., Whirlwind uses semantic color names:

  • primary
  • secondary
  • link
  • info
  • success
  • error
  • warning
  • etc.

Every color comes in three different shades (the default, light, and dark), and a contrast variant.

To replace your existing Tailwind CSS colors, choose an adequate semantic color from this list and replace the color name in your style with the new one:

Tailwind CSS Whirlwind
text-{color} t.text{Color}
border-{color} t.border{Color}

Refer to the Colors page for more information.